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NK.1KSay the whole number sequence by 1s starting anywhere from 0 to 10 and from 10 to 0. ([C, CN, V])Number
NK.2KRecognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects, dots, or pictures. ([C, CN, ME, V])Number
NK.3KRelate a numeral, 0 to 10, to its respective quantity. ([C, R, V])Number
NK.4KRepresent the partitioning of whole numbers (1 to 10) concretely and pictorially. ([C, CN, ME, R, V])Number
NK.5KCompare quantities, 0 to 10, using one-to-one correspondence. ([C, CN, V])Number
PK.1KDemonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by:
• identifying
• reproducing
• extending
• creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds, and actions. ([C, CN, PS, V])
Patterns & Relations
SSK.1KUse direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute, such as:
• length including height
• mass
• volume
• capacity.
([C, CN, PS, R,V])
Shape & Space
SSK.2KSort 3-D objects using a single attribute. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Shape & Space
SSK.3KBuild and describe 3-D objects. ([C, PS, V])Shape & Space
N1.11Say the number sequence, 0 to 100, by:
• 1s forward and backward between any two given numbers
• 2s to 20, forward starting at 0
• 5s and 10s to 100, forward starting at 0.
([C, CN, V, ME])
N1.21Recognize, at a glance, and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 10 objects, dots, and pictures. ([C, CN, V, ME])Number
N1.31Demonstrate an understanding of counting by:
• indicating that the last number said identifies "how many"
• showing that any set has only one count using the counting on strategy
• using parts or equal groups to count sets.
([C, CN, ME, R, V])
N1.41Represent and describe whole numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, V])Number
N1.51Compare sets containing up to 20 elements to solve problems using:
• referents (known quantity)
• one-to-one correspondence.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N1.61Estimate quantities to 20 by using referents. ([C, PS, ME, R, V])Number
N1.71Demonstrate, concretely, physically, and pictorially, how whole numbers can be represented by a variety of equal groupings with and without singles. ([C, R, V])Number
N1.81Identify the number, up to 20, that is one more, two more, one less, and two less than a given number. ([C, CN, ME, R, V])Number
N1.91Demonstrate an understanding of addition of numbers with answers to 20 and the corresponding subtraction facts, concretely, pictorially, physically, and symbolically by:
• using familiar and mathematical language to describe additive and subtractive actions from their experience
• creating and solving problems in context that involve addition and subtraction
• modelling addition and subtraction using a variety of concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N1.101Describe and use mental mathematics strategies (memorization not intended), such as:
• counting on and counting back
• making 10
• doubles
• using addition to subtract to determine basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
P1.11Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four elements) by:
• describing
• reproducing
• extending
• creating patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds, and actions.
([C, PS, R, V])
Patterns & Relations
P1.21Translate repeating patterns from one form of representation to another. ([C, R, V])Patterns & Relations
P1.31Describe equality as a balance and inequality as an imbalance, concretely, physically, and pictorially (0 to 20). ([C, CN, R, V])Patterns & Relations
P1.41Record equalities using the equal symbol. ([C, CN, PS, V])Patterns & Relations
SS1.11Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by:
• identifying attributes that can be compared
• ordering objects
• making statements of comparison
• filling, covering, or matching.
([C, CN, ME, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS1.21Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes using one attribute, and explain the sorting rule. ([C, CN, R, V])Shape & Space
SS1.31Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. ([CN, PS, V])Shape & Space
SS1.41Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects in the environment. ([C, CN, V])Shape & Space
N2.12Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 100 (concretely, pictorially, physically, orally, in writing, and symbolically) by:
• representing (including place value)
• describing
• skip counting
• differentiating between odd and even numbers
• estimating with referents
• comparing two numbers
• ordering three or more numbers.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N2.22Demonstrate understanding of addition (limited to 1 and 2-digit numerals) with answers to 100 and the corresponding subtraction by:
• representing strategies for adding and subtracting concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
• creating and solving problems involving addition and subtraction
• estimating
• using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives
• analyzing the effect of adding or subtracting zero
• analyzing the effect of the ordering of the quantities (addends, minuends, and subtrahends) in addition and subtraction statements.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
P2.12Demonstrate understanding of repeating patterns (three to five elements) by:
• describing
• representing patterns in alternate modes
• extending
• comparing
• creating patterns using manipulatives, pictures, sounds, and actions.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
P2.22Demonstrate understanding of increasing patterns by:
• describing
• reproducing
• extending
• creating patterns using manipulatives, pictures, sounds, and actions (numbers to 100).
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Patterns & Relations
P2.32Demonstrate understanding of equality and inequality concretely and pictorially (0 to 100) by:
• relating equality and inequality to balance
• comparing sets
• recording equalities with an equal sign
• recording inequalities with a not equal sign
• solving problems involving equality and inequality.
([C, CN, R, V])
Patterns & Relations
SP2.12Demonstrate understanding of concrete graphs and pictographs. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Statistics & Probability
SS2.12Demonstrate understanding of non-standard units for linear measurement by:
• describing the choice and appropriate use of non-standard units
• estimating
• measuring
• comparing and analyzing measurements.
([C, CN, ME, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS2.22Demonstrate understanding of non-standard units for measurement of mass by:
• describing the choice and appropriate use of non-standard units
• estimating
• measuring
• comparing and analyzing measurements.
([C, CN, ME, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS2.32Describe, compare, and construct 3-D objects, including:
• cubes
• spheres
• cones
• cylinders
• pyramids.
([C, CN, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS2.42Describe, compare, and construct 2-D shapes, including
• triangles
• squares
• rectangles
• circles.
([C, CN, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS2.52Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. ([C, CN, R, V])Shape & Space
N3.13Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 1000 (concretely, pictorially, physically, orally, in writing, and symbolically) including:
• representing (including place value)
• describing
• estimating with referents
• comparing two numbers
• ordering three or more numbers.
([C, R, V])
N3.23Demonstrate understanding of addition of whole numbers with answers to 1000 and their corresponding subtractions (limited to 1, 2, and 3-digit numerals) including:
• representing strategies for adding and subtracting concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
• solving situational questions involving addition and subtraction
• estimating using personal strategies for adding and subtracting.
([CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N3.33Demonstrate understanding of multiplication to 5 x 5 and the corresponding division statements including:
• representing and explaining using repeated addition or subtraction, equal grouping, and arrays
• creating and solving situational questions
• modelling processes using concrete, physical, and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
• relating multiplication and division.
Note: The focus of this outcome is for the students to become familiar with multiplication and division and strategies for mentally determining products and quotients. It is not intended that students memorize the basic facts. ([C, CN, PS, R])
N3.43Demonstrate understanding of fractions concretely, pictorially, physically, and orally including:
• representing
• observing and describing situations
• comparing
• relating to quantity.
([C, CN, R])
P3.13Demonstrate understanding of increasing and decreasing patterns including:
• observing and describing
• extending
• comparing
• creating patterns using manipulatives, pictures, sounds, and actions.
Note: It is intended that decreasing patterns will not go past zero. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])
Patterns & Relations
P3.23Demonstrate understanding of equality by solving one-step addition and subtraction equations involving symbols representing an unknown quantity. ([C, CN, ME, R])Patterns & Relations
SP3.13Demonstrate understanding of first-hand data using tally marks, charts, lists, bar graphs, and line plots (abstract pictographs), through:
• collecting, organizing, and representing
• solving situational questions.
([C, CN, PS, R, V])
Statistics & Probability
SS3.13Demonstrate understanding of the passage of time including:
• relating common activities to standard and non-standard units
• describing relationships between units
• solving situational questions.
([C, CN, PS, R])
Shape & Space
SS3.23Demonstrate understanding of measuring mass in g and kg by:
• selecting and justifying referents for g and kg
• modelling and describing the relationship between g and kg
• estimating mass using referents
• measuring and recording mass.
([C, CN, ME, R])
Shape & Space
SS3.33Demonstrate understanding of linear measurement (cm and m) including:
• selecting and justifying referents
• generalizing the relationship between cm and m
• estimating length and perimeter using referents
• measuring and recording length, width, height, and perimeter.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS3.43Demonstrate understanding of 3-D objects by analyzing characteristics including faces, edges, and vertices. ([C, V])Shape & Space
SS3.53Demonstrate understanding of 2-D shapes (regular and irregular) including triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons including:
• describing
• comparing
• sorting.
([C, CN, R])
Shape & Space
N4.14Demonstrate an understanding of whole numbers to 10 000 (pictorially, physically, orally, in writing, and symbolically) by:
• representing
• describing
• comparing two numbers
• ordering three or more numbers.
([C, R, V])
N4.24Demonstrate an understanding of addition of whole numbers with answers to 10 000 and their corresponding subtractions (limited to 3 and 4-digit numerals) by:
• using personal strategies for adding and subtracting
• estimating sums and differences
• solving problems involving addition and subtraction.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R])
N4.34Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication of whole numbers (limited to numbers less than or equal to 10) by:
• applying mental mathematics strategies
• explaining the results of multiplying by 0 and 1
([C, CN, R])
N4.44Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (2- or 3-digit by 1-digit) by:
• using personal strategies for multiplication, with and without concrete materials
• using arrays to represent multiplication
• connecting concrete representations to symbolic representations
• estimating products
• solving problems.
([C,ME, PS, R, V])
N4.54Demonstrate an understanding of division (1-digit divisor and up to 2-digit dividend) to solve problems by:
• using personal strategies for dividing with and without concrete materials
• estimating quotients
• explaining the results of dividing by 1
• solving problems involving division of whole numbers
• Relating division to multiplication.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N4.64Demonstrate an understanding of fractions less than or equal to one by using concrete and pictorial representations to:
• name and record fractions for the parts of a whole or a set
• compare and order fractions
• model and explain that for different wholes, two identical fractions may not represent the same quantity
• provide examples of where fractions are used.
([C, CN, PS, R, V])
N4.74Demonstrate an understanding of decimal numbers in tenths and hundredths (pictorially, orally, in writing, and symbolically) by:
• describing
• representing
• relating to fractions.
([C, CN, V])
N4.84Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals limited to hundredths (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) by:
• using compatible numbers
• estimating sums and differences
• using mental math strategies
• solving problems.
([C, ME, PS, R, V])
P4.14Demonstrate an understanding of patterns and relations by:
• identifying and describing patterns and relations in a chart, table or diagram
• reproducing patterns and relations in a chart, table, or diagram using manipulatives
• creating charts, tables, or diagrams to represent patterns and relations
• solving problems involving patterns and relations
([C, CN, PS, R])
Patterns & Relations
P4.24Demonstrate an understanding of equations involving symbols to represent an unknown value by:
• writing an equation to represent a problem
• solving one step equations.
([C, ME, PS, R])
Patterns & Relations
SP4.14Demonstrate an understanding of many-to-one correspondence by:
• comparing correspondences on graphs
• justifying the use of many-to-one correspondences
• interpreting data shown using a many-to-one correspondence
• creating bar graphs and pictographs using many-to-one correspondence.
([C, R, T, V])
Statistics & Probability
SS4.14Demonstrate an understanding of time by:
• reading and recording time using digital and analog clocks (including 24 hour clocks)
• reading and recording calendar dates in a variety of formats.
([C, CN, V])
Shape & Space
SS4.24Demonstrate an understanding of area of regular and irregular 2-D shapes by:
• recognizing that area is measured in square units
• selecting and justifying referents for the units cm² or m²
• estimating area by using referents for cm² or m²
• determining and recording area (cm² or m²)
constructing different rectangles for a given area (cm² or m²) in order to demonstrate that many different rectangles may have the same area.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS4.34Demonstrate an understanding of rectangular and triangular prisms by:
• identifying common attributes
• comparing
• constructing models.
([C, CN, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS4.44Demonstrate an understanding of line symmetry by:
• identifying symmetrical 2-D shapes
• creating symmetrical 2-D shapes
• drawing one or more lines of symmetry in a 2-D shape.
([C, CN, V])
Shape & Space
N5.15Represent, compare, and describe whole numbers to 1 000 000 within the contexts of place value and the base ten system, and quantity. ([C, CN, R,T, V])Number
N5.25Analyze models of, develop strategies for, and carry out multiplication of whole numbers. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])Number
N5.35Demonstrate, with and without concrete materials, an understanding of division (3-digit by 1-digit) and interpret remainders to solve problems. ([C, CN, PS, R])Number
N5.45Develop and apply personal strategies for estimation and computation including:
• front-end rounding
• compensation
• compatible numbers.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
N5.55Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by using concrete and pictorial representations to:
• create sets of equivalent fractions
• compare fractions with like and unlike denominators.
([C, CN, PS, R, V])
N5.65Demonstrate understanding of decimals to thousandths by:
• describing and representing
• relating to fractions
• comparing and ordering.
([C, CN, R, V])
N5.75Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals (limited to thousandths). ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
P5.15Represent, analyse, and apply patterns using mathematical language and notation. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Patterns & Relations
P5.25Write, solve, and verify solutions of single-variable, one-step equations with whole number coefficients and whole number solutions. ([C, CN, PS, R])Patterns & Relations
SP5.15Differentiate between first-hand and second-hand data. ([C, R, T, V])Statistics & Probability
SP5.25Construct and interpret double bar graphs to draw conclusions.Statistics & Probability
SP5.35Describe, compare, predict, and test the likelihood of outcomes in probability situations. ([C, CN, PS, R])Statistics & Probability
SS5.15Design and construct different rectangles given either perimeter or area, or both (whole numbers), and draw conclusions. ([C, CN, PS, V])Shape & Space
SS5.25Demonstrate understanding of measuring length (mm) by:
• selecting and justifying referents for the unit mm
• modelling and describing the relationship between mm, cm, and m units.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS5.35Demonstrate an understanding of volume by:
• selecting and justifying referents for cm³ or m³ units
• estimating volume by using referents for cm³ or m³
• measuring and recording volume (cm³ or m³)
• constructing rectangular prisms for a given volume.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS5.45Demonstrate understanding of capacity by:
• describing the relationship between mL and L
• selecting and justifying referents for mL or L units
• estimating capacity by using referents for mL or L
• measuring and recording capacity (mL or L).
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS5.55Describe and provide examples of edges and faces of 3-D objects, and sides of 2-D shapes that are: parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical, horizontal. ([C, CN, R, T, V])Shape & Space
SS5.65Identify and sort quadrilaterals, including: rectangles, squares, trapezoids, parallelograms, rhombuses according to their attributes. ([C, R, V])Shape & Space
SS5.75Identify, create, and analyze single transformations of 2-D shapes (with and without the use of technology). ([C, CN, R, T, V])Shape & Space
N6.16Demonstrate understanding of place value including:
• greater than one million
• less than one thousandth
with and without technology. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])
N6.26Demonstrate understanding of factors and multiples (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) including:
• determining factors and multiples of numbers less than 100
• relating factors and multiples to multiplication and division
• determining and relating prime and composite numbers.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R])
N6.36Demonstrate understanding of the order of operations on whole numbers (excluding exponents) with and without technology. ([N, ME, PS, T])Number
N6.46Extend understanding of multiplication and division to decimals (1-digit whole number multipliers and 1-digit natural number divisors). ([C, CN, ME, PS, R])Number
N6.56Demonstrate understanding of percent (limited to whole numbers to 100) concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
N6.66Demonstrate understanding of integers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, R, V])Number
N6.76Extend understanding of fractions to improper fractions and mixed numbers. ([CN, ME, R, V])Number
N6.86Demonstrate an understanding of ratio concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
N6.96Research and present how First Nations and Métis peoples, past and present, envision, represent, and use quantity in their lifestyles and worldviews.Number
P6.16Extend understanding of patterns and relationships in tables of values and graphs. ([C, CN, PS, R])Patterns & Relations
P6.26Extend understanding of preservation of equality concretely, pictorially, physically, and symbolically. ([C, CN, R])Patterns & Relations
P6.36Extend understanding of patterns and relationships by using expressions and equations involving variables. ([C, CN, R])Patterns & Relations
SP6.16Extend understanding of data analysis to include:
• line graphs
• graphs of discrete data
• data collection through questionnaires, experiments, databases, and electronic media
• interpolation and extrapolation.
([C, CN, PS, R, V, T])
Statistics & Probability
SP6.26Demonstrate understanding of probability by:
• determining sample space
• differentiating between experimental and theoretical probability
• determining the theoretical probability
• determining the experimental probability
• comparing experimental and theoretical probabilities.
([C, PS, R, T])
Statistics & Probability
SS6.16Demonstrate understanding of angles including:
• identifying examples classifying angles
• estimating the measure
• determining angle measures in degrees
• drawing angles
• applying angle relationships in triangles and quadrilaterals.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS6.26Extend and apply understanding of perimeter of polygons, area of rectangles, and volume of right rectangular prisms (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) including:
• relating area to volume
• comparing perimeter and area
• comparing area and volume
• generalizing strategies and formulae
• analyzing the effect of orientation
• solving situational questions.
([CN, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS6.36Demonstrate understanding of regular and irregular polygons including:
• classifying types of triangles
• comparing side lengths
• comparing angle measures
• differentiating between regular and irregular polygons
• analyzing for congruence.
([C, CN, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS6.46Demonstrate understanding of the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs with whole number coordinates. ([C, CN, R, V])Shape & Space
SS6.56Demonstrate understanding of single, and combinations of, transformations of 2-D shapes (with and without the use of technology) including:
• identifying
• describing
• performing.
([C, CN, R, T, V])
Shape & Space
N7.17Demonstrate an understanding of division through the development and application of divisibility strategies for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10, and through an analysis of division involving zero. ([C, CN, ME,R])Number
N7.27Expand and demonstrate understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to greater numbers of decimal places, and the order of operations. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T])Number
N7.37Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between positive decimals, positive fractions (including mixed numbers, proper fractions and improper fractions), and whole numbers. ([C, CN, ME, R, T])Number
N7.47Expand and demonstrate an understanding of percent to include fractional percents between 1% and 100%. ([C, PS, R])Number
N7.57Develop and demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers, with like and unlike denominators, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (limited to positive sums and differences). ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])Number
N7.67Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
P7.17Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between oral and written patterns, graphs and linear relations. ([C, CN, R])Patterns & Relations
P7.27Demonstrate an understanding of equations and expressions by: distinguishing between equations and expressions, evaluating expressions, verifying solutions to equations. ([C, CN, ME])Patterns & Relations
P7.37Demonstrate an understanding of one- and two-step linear equations of the form ax/b + c = d (where a, b, c, and d are whole numbers, c ? d and b ? 0) by modeling the solution of the equations concretely, pictorially, physically, and symbolically and explaining the solution in terms of the preservation of equality. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Patterns & Relations
P7.47Demonstrate an understanding of linear equations of the form x + a = b (where a and b are integers) by modeling problems as a linear equation and solving the problems concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Patterns & Relations
SP7.17Demonstrate an understanding of the measures of central tendency and range for sets of data. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])Statistics & Probability
SP7.27Demonstrate an understanding of circle graphs. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])Statistics & Probability
SP7.37Demonstrate an understanding of theoretical and experimental probabilities for two independent events where the combined sample space has 36 or fewer elements. ([C, ME, PS, R, T])Statistics & Probability
SS7.17Demonstrate an understanding of circles including circumference and central angles. ([C, CN, R, V])Shape & Space
SS7.27Develop and apply formulas for determining the area of: triangles, parallelograms, circles. ([CN, PS, R, V])Shape & Space
SS7.37Demonstrate an understanding of 2-D relationships involving lines and angles. ([CN, R, V, T])Shape & Space
SS7.47Demonstrate an understanding of the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs with integral coordinates. ([C, CN, V])Shape & Space
SS7.57Expand and demonstrate an understanding of transformations (translations, rotations, and reflections) of 2-D shapes in all four quadrants of the Cartesian plane. ([CN, PS, T, V])Shape & Space
N8.18Demonstrate understanding of the square and principle square root of whole numbers concretely or pictorially and symbolically. ([CN, ME, R, T, V])Number
N8.28Expand and demonstrate understanding of percents greater than or equal to 0% (including fractional and decimal percents) concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([CN, PS, R, V])Number
N8.38Demonstrate understanding of rates, ratios, and proportional reasoning concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
N8.48Demonstrate understanding of multiplying and dividing positive fractions and mixed numbers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, ME, PS])Number
N8.58Demonstrate understanding of multiplication and division of integers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Number
P8.18Demonstrate understanding of linear relations concretely, pictorially (including graphs), physically, and symbolically. ([CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])Patterns & Relations
P8.28Model and solve problems using linear equations of the form:
• ax=b
• x/a=b, a≠0
• ax+b=c
• x/a+b=c,a≠0
• a(x+b)=c
• concretely, pictorially, and symbolically, where a, b, and c are integers. ([C, CN, PS, V])
Patterns & Relations
SP8.18Analyze the modes of displaying data and the reasonableness of conclusions. ([C, CN, R])Statistics & Probability
SP8.28Demonstrate understanding of the probability of independent events concretely, pictorially, orally, and symbolically. ([C, CN, PS, T])Statistics & Probability
SS8.18Demonstrate understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem concretely or pictorially and symbolically and by solving problems. ([CN, PS, R, T, V])Shape & Space
SS8.28Demonstrate understanding of the surface area of 3-D objects limited to right prisms and cylinders (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) by:
• analyzing views
• sketching and constructing 3-D objects, nets, and top, side, and front views
• generalizing strategies and formulae
• analyzing the effect of orientation
• solving problems.
([CN, PS, R, T, V])
Shape & Space
SS8.38Demonstrate understanding of volume limited to right prisms and cylinders (concretely, pictorially, or symbolically) by:
• relating area to volume
• generalizing strategies and formulae
• analyzing the effect of orientation
• solving problems.
([CN, PS, R, V])
Shape & Space
SS8.48Demonstrate an understanding of tessellation by:
• explaining the properties of shapes that make tessellating possible
• creating tessellations
• identifying tessellations in the environment.
([C, CN, PS, T, V])
Shape & Space
N9.19Demonstrate (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) understanding of powers with integral bases (excluding base 0) and whole number exponents including: representing using powers, evaluating powers, powers with an exponent of zero, solving situational questions. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])Number
N9.29Demonstrate understanding of rational numbers including: comparing and ordering, relating to other types of numbers, solving situational questions. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])Number
N9.39Extend understanding of square roots to include the square root of positive rational numbers. ([CN, ME, R, T, V])Number
P9.19Demonstrate understanding of linear relations including: graphing, analyzing, interpolating and extrapolating, solving situational questions. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])Patterns & Relations
P9.29Model and solve situational questions using linear equations of the form: ax=b, x/a=b a≠0, ax+b=c, x/a+b=c a≠0, ax=b+cx, a(x+b)=c, ax+b=cx+d, a(bx+c)=d(ex+f), a/x=b x≠0Patterns & Relations
P9.39Demonstrate understanding of single variable linear inequalities with rational coefficients including: solving inequalities, verifying, comparing, graphing. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Patterns & Relations
P9.49Demonstrate understanding of polynomials (limited to polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2) including: modeling, generalizing strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, analyzing, relating to context, comparing for equivalency. ([C, CN, R, V])Patterns & Relations
SP9.19Demonstrate understanding of the effect of: bias, use of language, ethics, cost, time and timing, privacy, cultural sensitivity, and population or sample on data collection. ([C, PS, R, T])Statistics & Probability
SP9.29Demonstrate an understanding of the collection, display, and analysis of data through a project. ([C, PS, R, T, V])Statistics & Probability
SP9.39Demonstrate an understanding of the role of probability in society. ([C, CN, R, T])Statistics & Probability
SP9.49Research and present how First Nations and Métis peoples, past and present, envision, represent, and make use of probability and statistics.Statistics & Probability
SS9.19Demonstrate understanding of circle properties including: perpendicular line segments from the centre of a circle to a chord, bisect the chord, inscribed angles subtended by the same arc have the same measure, the measure of a central angle is twice the measure of an inscribed angle subtending the same arc, tangents to a circle are perpendicular to the radius ending at the point of tangency. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])Shape & Space
SS9.29Extend understanding of area to surface area of right rectangular prisms, right cylinders, right triangular prisms, to composite 3-D objects. ([CN, PS, R, V])Shape & Space
SS9.39Demonstrate understanding of similarity of 2-D shapes. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])Shape & Space
SS9.49Demonstrate understanding of line and rotation symmetry. ([C, CN, PS, V])Shape & Space
FP10.110Demonstrate understanding of factors of whole numbers by determining the: prime factors, greatest common factor, least common multiple, principal square root, cube root. ([CN, ME, R])
FP10.210Demonstrate understanding of irrational numbers in both radical (including mixed radical) and exponent forms through: representing, identifying, simplifying, ordering, relating to rational numbers, applying exponent laws. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
FP10.310Demonstrate understanding of SI and imperial units of measurement including: linear measurement, surface area of spheres, and right cones, cylinders, prisms, and pyramids, volume of spheres, and right cones, cylinders, prisms, and pyramids, relationships between and within measurement systems. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, V])
FP10.410Develop and apply the primary trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) to solve problems that involve right triangles. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])
FP10.510Demonstrate understanding of the multiplication and factoring of polynomial expressions (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) including: multiplying of monomials, binomials, and trinomials, common factors, trinomial factoring, relating multiplication and factoring of polynomials. ([C, CN, R, V])
FP10.610Expand and apply understanding of relations and functions including:
relating data, graphs, and situations analyzing and interpreting distinguishing between relations and functions. ([C, CN, R, T, V])
FP10.710Demonstrate, with and without the use of technology, understanding of slope (concretely, pictorially, and symbolically) with respect to: line segments and lines, rate of change, ratio of rise to run, parallel lines, perpendicular lines. ([PS, R, V])
FP10.810Demonstrate understanding of linear relations including: representing in words, ordered pairs, tables of values, graphs, function notation, and equations, determining characteristics including intercepts, slope, domain, and range, relating different equation forms to each other and to graphs. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])
FP10.910Demonstrate understanding of the writing and application of equations of linear relations, given: a graph of a relation, a point that satisfies a relation and the slope of the relation, two distinct points that satisfy a relation, a point that satisfies the relation and the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to the relation. ([CN, PS, R, V])
FP10.1010Solve problems that involve systems of linear equations in two variables, graphically and algebraically. ([CN, PS, R, T, V])
WA10.110Demonstrate understanding of the preservation of equality including solving problems that involve the manipulation and application of formulas related to: perimeter, area, the Pythagorean Theorem, primary trigonometric ratios, income. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T])
WA10.210Analyze puzzles and games that involve spatial reasoning using problem solving strategies. ([C, CN, PS, R])
WA10.310Demonstrate using concrete and pictorial models and symbolic representations understanding of measurement systems including: The Système International (SI), The British Imperial system, The US customary system. ([C, CN, ME, T, V])
WA10.410Demonstrate using concrete and pictorial models and symbolic rrepresentations understanding of linear measurement including units in the SI and Imperial systems of measurement. ([CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
WA10.510Demonstrate using concrete and pictorial models and symbolic representations understanding of area of 2-D shapes and surface area of 3-D objects including units in SI and Imperial systems of measurement. ([CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
WA10.610Apply understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems. ([C, CN, PS, T, V])
WA10.710Demonstrate understanding of similarity of convex polygons including regular and irregular polygons. ([C, CN, PS, T, V])
WA10.810Demonstrate an understanding of primary trigonometric ratios (sine cosine and tangent). ([CN, PS, R, T, V])
WA10.910Demonstrate understanding of angles including: drawing and
sketching, replicating and constructing, bisecting, relating to
parallel perpendicular and transversal lines, solving problems. ([C, ME, PS, T, V])
WA10.1010Apply proportional reasoning to solve problems involving unit pricing and currency exchange. ([CN, ME, PS, R, T])
WA10.1110Demonstrate understanding of income including: wages, salary, contracts, commissions, piecework, self-employment, gross pay, net pay. ([C, CN, R, T])
FM20.120Demonstrate understanding of the mathematics involved in an historical event or an area of interest. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
FM20.220Demonstrate understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning including: analyzing conjectures, analyzing spatial puzzles and games, providing conjectures, solving problems. ([C, CN,PS, R, V])
FM20.320Expand and demonstrate understanding of proportional reasoning related to: rates, scale diagrams, scale factor, area, surface area, volume. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])
FM20.420Demonstrate understanding of properties of angles and triangles including: deriving proofs based on theorems and postulates about congruent triangles, solving problems. ([CN, PS, R, V])
FM20.520Demonstrate understanding of the cosine law and sine law (including the ambiguous case). ([CN, PS, R])
FM20.620Demonstrate an understanding of normal distribution, including standard deviation and z-scores. ([CN, PS, T, V])
FM20.720Demonstrate understanding of the interpretation of statistical data, including: confidence intervals, confidence levels, margin of error. ([C, CN, R])
FM20.820Demonstrate understanding of systems of linear inequalities in two variables. ([CN, PS, T, V])
FM20.920Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of quadratic functions of the form y=a(x−p)2+q , including: vertex, intercepts, domain and range, axis of symmetry. ([CN, PS, T, V])
P20.120Demonstrate understanding of the absolute value of real numbers and equations and functions involving the absolute value of linear and quadratic functions. ([C, PS, R, T, V])
P20.220Expand and demonstrate understanding of radicals with numerical and variable radicands including: computations, solving equations (limited to square roots and one or two radicals). ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T])
P20.320Expand and demonstrate understanding of rational expressions and equations (up to and including degree 2 numerators and denominators) including: equivalent forms of expressions, operations on expressions, solving equations that can be simplified to linear or quadratic equations. ([C, CN, ME, R])
P20.420Expand and demonstrate understanding of the primary trigonometric ratios including the use of reference angles (0° ≤ θ ≤ 360°) and the determination of exact values for trigonometric ratios. ([C, ME, PS, R, T, V])
P20.520Demonstrate understanding of the cosine law and sine law, including the ambiguous case. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])
P20.620Expand and demonstrate understanding of factoring polynomial expressions including those of the form: a2x2−b2y2,a≠0,b≠0, a(f(x))2−b(f(x))+c,a≠0, a2(f(x))2−b2(g(y))2,a≠0,b≠0, where a, b, and c are rational numbers. ([CN, ME, R])
P20.720Demonstrate understanding of quadratic functions of the form y=ax2+bx+c and of their graphs, including: vertex, domain and range, direction of opening, axis of symmetry, x- and y-intercepts. ([CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
P20.820Demonstrate understanding of quadratic equations including the solution of: single variable equations, systems of linear-quadratic and quadratic-quadratic equations in two variables. ([C, CN, PS, R, T, V])
P20.920Expand and demonstrate understanding of inequalities including: one-variable quadratic inequalities, two-variable linear and quadratic inequalities. ([C, CN, PS, T, V])
P20.1020Demonstrate understanding of arithmetic and geometric (finite and infinite) sequences and series. ([CN , PS, R, T])
P20.1120Demonstrate understanding of reciprocal functions of: linear functions, quadratic functions. ([CN, R, T, V])
WA20.120Expand and apply understanding of the preservation of equality including solving problems that involve the manipulation and application of formulae for volume and capacity, surface area, slope and rate of change, simple interest, and finance charges. (C,CN,ME,PS,R,T)
WA20.220Demonstrate the ability to analyze puzzles and games that involve numerical reasoning and problem solving strategies. (C,CN,PS,R)
WA20.320Extend and apply understanding of surface area, volume, and capacity using concrete and pictorial models and symbolic representations (SI or imperial units of measurement). (C,CN,ME,PS,V)
WA20.420Solve problems that involve at least two right triangles. (CN,PS,T,V)
WA20.520Extend and apply understanding of 3-D objects including: top, bottom, and side views, exploded views, component parts, scale diagrams. (CN, R, T, V)
WA20.620Demonstrate understanding of personal budgets and their importance for financial planning. (CN,PS,R,T,V)
WA20.720Demonstrate understanding of compound interest. (CN, ME, PS, T)
WA20.820Demonstrate understanding of financial institution services used to access and manage personal finances, including credit options. (C,ME,CN,PS,R,T)
WA20.920Demonstrate concretely, pictorially, and symbolically (with and without the use of technology) an understanding of slope with respect to: rise over run, rate of change, solving problems. (C, CN, PS, V)
WA20.1020Extend and apply proportional thinking to solve problems that involve unit analysis and scale. (C,CN,PS,R,T,V)
WA20.1120Extend and apply understanding of representing data using graphs including: bar graphs, histograms, line graphs, circle graphs. (C, CN, PS, R, T, V)
C30.130Extend understanding of functions including: algebraic functions (polynomial, rational, power), transcendental functions (exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric), piecewise functions, including absolute value. ([C, CN, ME, R, T, V])
C30.230Extend understanding of factoring, absolute value, and solving inequalities to include: rational expressions, double inequalities, absolute value inequalities. ([C, CN, ME, R])
C30.330Demonstrate understanding of limits and continuity. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
C30.430Demonstrate understanding of differentiation based on slope as a rate of change. ([C, CN, PS, R, V])
C30.530Extend understanding of curve sketching by applying differentiation and limits. ([C, CN, V])
C30.630Demonstrate understanding of the application of derivatives to solve problems including: optimization, rates of change, related rates. ([C, CN, ME, PS, V])
C30.730Demonstrate understanding of transcendental function derivatives and their applications. ([C, CN, R, T, V])
C30.830Demonstrate understanding of indefinite and definite integration: by sight, by substitution, as used in the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.([C, CN, ME, PS, T, V])
FM30.130Demonstrate understanding of financial decision making including analysis of: renting, leasing, and buying, credit, compound interest, investment portfolios. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T])
FM30.230Demonstrate understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning including: analysis of conditional statements, analysis of puzzles and games involving numerical and logical reasoning, making and justifying decisions, solving problems. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R])
FM30.330Demonstrate understanding of set theory and its applications. ([CN, PS, R, V])
FM30.430Extend understanding of odds and probability. ([C, CN, ME])
FM30.530Extend understanding of the probability of two events, including events that are: mutually exclusive, non-mutually exclusive, dependent, independent. ([CN, PS, R, V])
FM30.630Demonstrate understanding of combinatorics including: the fundamental counting principle, permutations (excluding circular permutations), combinations. ([ME, PS, R, T, V])
FM30.730Demonstrate understanding of the representation and analysis of data using: polynomial functions of degree ≤ 3, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, sinusoidal functions. ([C, CN, PS, T, V])
FM30.830Research and give a presentation of a current event or an area of interest that requires data collection and analysis. ([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])
P30.130Extend understanding of angles to angles in standard position, expressed in degrees and radians.
P30.230Demonstrate understanding of the unit circle and its relationship to the six trigonometric ratios for any angle in standard position.
P30.330Demonstrate understanding of the graphs of the primary trigonometric functions.
P30.430Demonstrate understanding of first- and second-degree trigonometric equations.
P30.530Demonstrate understanding of trigonometric identities including: reciprocal identities, quotient identities, Pythagorean identities, sum or difference identities (restricted to sine, cosine, and tangent), double-angle identities (restricted to sine, cosine, and tangent)
P30.630Demonstrate an understanding of operations on, and compositions of, functions.
P30.730Extend understanding of transformations to include functions (given in equation or graph form) in general, including horizontal and vertical translations, and horizontal and vertical stretches.
P30.830Demonstrate understanding of functions, relations, inverses and their related equations resulting from reflections through the: x-axis, y-axis, line y=x.
P30.930Demonstrate an understanding of logarithms including: evaluating logarithms, relating logarithms to exponents, deriving laws of logarithms, solving equations, graphing.
P30.1030Demonstrate understanding of polynomials and polynomial functions of degree greater than 2 (limited to polynomials of degree ≤5 with integral coefficients).
P30.1130Demonstrate understanding of radical and rational functions with restrictions on the domain.
P30.1230Demonstrate understanding of permutations, including the fundamental counting principle.
P30.1330Demonstrate understanding of combinations of elements, including the application to the binomial theorem.
WA30.130Analyze puzzles and games that involve logical reasoning using problem-solving strategies. ([C, CN, PS, R])
WA30.230Demonstrate concretely, pictorially, and symbolically an understanding of limitations of measuring instruments including: precision, accuracy, uncertainty, tolerance. ([C, PS, R, T, V])
WA30.330Solve problems that involve the sine law and cosine law, excluding the ambiguous case. ([CN, PS, V])
WA30.430Extend and apply understanding of the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons to solve problems. ([C, CN, PS, V])
WA30.530Extend and apply understanding of transformations on 2-D shapes and 3-D objects including: ,translations, rotations, reflections, dilations. ([C, CN, R, T, V])
WA30.630Demonstrate understanding of options for acquiring a vehicle including: purchasing without credit, purchasing with credit, leasing, leasing to purchase. ([C, CN, PS, R, T])
WA30.730Explore and critique the viability of small business options with respect to: expenses, sales, profit or loss. ([C, CN, R])
WA30.830Extend and apply understanding of linear relations including: patterns and trends, graphs, tables of values, equations, interpolation and extrapolation, problem solving. ([CN, PS, R, T, V])
WA30.930Extend and apply understanding of measures of central tendency to solve problems including: mean, median, mode, weighted mean, trimmed mean. ([C, CN, PS, R])
WA30.1030Demonstrate understanding of percentiles. ([C, CN, PS, R])
WA30.1130Extend and apply understanding of probability. ([C, CN, PS, R])