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Peas in a PodSS7.3, P7.3 Relatiopnships of Lines & Angles, Linear Equations (1- and 2-step)3-Act Task
The CandymanSS7.3, Relatiopnships of Lines & Angles, Linear Equations (1- and 2-step)3-Act Task
Balancing NumbersP7.2 and Equations3-Act Task
Cover the FloorSS7.2 Formulas3-Act Task
Sliced UpN7.5, SS7.3, P7.3 Addition/Subtraction, 2D Relatiopnships of Lines & Angles, Linear Equations (1- and 2-step)3-Act Task
Paper CutSS7.2 Formulas3-Act Task
Chasing GoldN7.3 Numbers3-Act Task
Final LapN7.3 Numbers3-Act Task
For the WinSS7.3 Relatiopnships of Lines & Angles3-Act Task
Sugar CubesN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Filling the TankN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Tomato-TomatoN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Geared UpN7.1 Task
Straighten UpN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Integer Sums and DifferencesN7.6 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Adding Two Digit Numbers Middle SchoolN7.6 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Subtracting Mixed NumbersN7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Subtracting FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Adding FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Adding and Subtracting IntegersN7.6 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Adding Mixed NumbersN7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Converting Fractions to Repeating DecimalsN7.3 NumbersOpen Middle
Modeling OutfitsSP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental3-Act Task
Deep FreezeN7.6 Addition/Subtraction3-Act Task
Tile CircleSS7.1 Task
Exploring Integer AdditionN7.6 Addition/SubtractionFlipped Videos
Exploring Integer SubtractionN7.6 Addition/SubtractionFlipped Videos
Adding IntegersN7.6 Addition/SubtractionFlipped Videos
Subtracting IntegersN7.6 Addition/SubtractionFlipped Videos
Types of TransformationsSS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesFlipped Videos
DivisibilityN7.1 Middle
Dividing DecimalsN7.2 OperationsOpen Middle
Rolling TiresSS7.1, SS7.2, Area Formulas3-Act Task
Solving One-Step Equations (Greatest Solution)P7.3 Equations (1- and 2-step)Open Middle
Solving Equations (negative and positive)P7.3 Equations (1- and 2-step)Open Middle
Area of SaskatchewanSS7.2 Formulas3-Act Task
The Big PadN7.5 Addition/Subtraction3-Act Task
Partial ProductsN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Black BoxN7.5 Addition/Subtraction3-Act Task
ToothpicksP7.3 Equations (1- and 2-step)3-Act Task
BritaSS7.1 Task
Penny CirclesSS7.1 Task
How Many Cookies?SS7.2 Formulas
Transforming Shapes CollectionSS7.5
Visual PatternsP7.1http://www.visualpatterns.orgLinear Relations
Yellow StarburstsSP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental3-Act Task
Chance ExperimentsSP7.3 Theoretical & ExperimentalDesmos
Fair's Fair Dice ProblemSP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental
Pizza DoublerSS7.2 Formulas3-Act Task
Table TilingP7.4 Equations
The Fraction Challenge in EnglishN7.5 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
The Fraction Challenge in FrenchN7.5 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
Adding FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionMenu Math
The Coordinate Plane ActivitySS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
The Coordinate Plane Activity (French)SS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
Equation StripsP7.3 Equations (1- and 2-step)Desmos
Clothesline Math CardsN7.4
Math visuals: FractionsN7.5 Addition/Subtraction
Integer BingoN7.6 Addition/Subtraction
Turbo TextingN7.4 Task
Des-FarmN7.3 NumbersDesmos
Adding & Subtracting FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
Adding Fractions with Equal Denominators Using a Variety of ModelsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
Adding IntegersN7.6 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
More, Fewer & the SameP7.4 EquationsDesmos
Mini Golf MarbleslidesSS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
Mini Golf Marbleslides (French)SS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
Desmos Name Art ProjectSS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
Chance Experiments (French)SS7.4 Plane/ Integral CoordinatesDesmos
Counting Factors ActivityN7.1
Twelve Envelopes PuzzleN7.1
Factor Tree PuzzlesN7.1
Billions TaskN7.1
Decimal OperationsN7.2 OperationsMenu Math
Fraction to DecimalN7.3 NumbersOpen Middle
Morning Run: Finding PercentsN7.4
Sum to 2N7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Adding Three FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionOpen Middle
Quarter the CrossN7.5http://fractiontalks.comFraction Addition/Subtraction
Fraction TalksN7.5http://fractiontalks.comFraction Addition/Subtraction
Subtracting Integers – Do you see it as removal or difference???N7.6 Addition/Subtraction
Integer Clothesline GameN7.6 Addition/Subtraction
ExpressionsP7.2 and Equations
Cube PileP7.4 Equations
Hallway BordersP7.4 Equations
Expanding pattern problemP7.4 Equations
Math Before Bed: WODB LegoP7.4 EquationsWODB
Number Talk Images: Small QuantitiesP7.4 Equations
Splat!P7.4 Equations
Primary TilesP7.4 Equations
Would You Rather: Pizza SlicesSS7.1 Task
Blue and WhiteSS7.1
MathArt Challenge TangramsSS7.2 Formulas
Zukei PuzzlesSS7.3 Relatiopnships of Lines & Angles
Slow Reveal Circle Graph: World ReligionSP7.2 Graphs
Slow Reveal Circle Graph: Longest NightsSP7.2 Graphs
Slow Reveal Circle Graph: How Long Do Animals Sleep?SP7.2 Graphs
MathArt Challenge Probability DesignsSP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental
Probability DiceSP7.3 Theoretical & ExperimentalOpen Middle
Always Sometimes Never True for ProbabilitySP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental
Spinner BingoSP7.3 Theoretical & Experimental
Granny Smith's SkinsN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
How Can We Save NellyN7.2 Operations3-Act Task
Divisibility Menu TaskN7.1 Math
Comparing & Identifying Fractions on a Number LineN7.3 NumbersOpen Middle
Route ProductN7.2 OperationsRich Task
Mathigon Divisibility, Factors and Multiples CourseN7.1,Lesson
Limbo: An Integers GameN7.6 Addition/SubtractionLesson,Rich Task,Game
Divisibility 2N7.1 Middle
Divisively SoN7.1 Task
Integers Menu TaskN7.6 Addition/SubtractionRich Task,Menu Math
Cafe FractionsN7.5 Addition/SubtractionRich Task,Lesson
Route Product (Decimals)N7.2 OperationsRich Task
Divisibility and PrimesN7.1
Entrapment GameSS7.5,Rich Task
Bucky the BadgerN7.6 Addition/Subtraction3-Act Task,Rich Task
Bucky the Badger (Desmos)N7.6 Addition/SubtractionDesmos
Unfair ThronesN7.5 Addition/SubtractionRich Task